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Firming Wind in an Environmentally-Challenging, Transmission-Constrained System

Feb 12, 2025
Energy Storage Deployments

The energy challenges facing Alaska are unique. Extreme weather, large seasonal loads, limited grid resources, fuel shortages, and complex supply chains impact or outright eliminate many current and promising future solutions. In order to reliably and economically meet the energy needs of interior Alaska, Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA), with partial funding from the U.S. DOE's OCED, is pursuing a novel strategy of deploying GWh-scale Pumped-Thermal (PTES) and Battery (BESS) energy storage systems as balancing resources to allow a higher penetration of non-dispatchable energy sources such as wind and solar.

This session will present a case study of this unique scenario. Attendees will explore how pumped thermal energy storage systems, in conjunction with battery energy storage systems can enhance grid stability, reduce costs, and provides a viable solution for integrating renewable energy into a fragile grid, offering a blueprint for future transitions in similar environments.

Thomas Mosier, Department Manager, Decision Sciences - Idaho National Laboratory
Sam Joseph, Power Systems Analyst - Golden Valley Electric Association
Cory Stansbury, Fellow Engineer, Beyond Electricity - Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC


Battery Storage,Decarbonization,Integrated Resource Planning,LongDuration Energy Storage,Onshore Wind,Resource Interconnection,Transmission and Distribution Planning


Level 3 Thought Leadership or Executive

Audience Type

Independent Power Producers,Utilities,Large Scale Energy Users,Government
Sessionboard Content