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Dana Cabbell

Dana Cabbell

Director, Transmission System Planning & Strategy, Southern California Edison (SCE)
Dana Cabbell, P.E has worked for Southern California Edison (SCE) for 40 years in the areas of transmission, subtransmission, and distribution long-term planning. Presently, Dana is the Director of the Transmission System Planning & Strategy (TSP&S) in the Asset Strategy & Planning (ASP) organization. She is responsible for translating electric system regulatory policies and SCE’s long-term Pathway 2045 vision into transmission and subtransmission strategic project-development plans. TSP&S accomplishes this via the development of long- term scenario analyses to perform 10+ year system assessments to determine system capabilities, needs, and grid architectures in support of clean grid strategies. TSP&S’s responsibility also includes overseeing the annual 10-year system planning processes and grid planning assessments of new demand growth, generation, transmission, and new customer interconnections to the SCE grid, performing joint studies with neighboring utilities to identify mitigation projects to address the grid needs, and maintain compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, while ensuring SCE’s transmission and subtransmission systems are safe, reliable, resilient, clean, and affordable through well-informed, strategic decisions regarding grid investments, integration of renewable/energy storage resources, enabling grid modernization, resiliency efforts, and reaching a carbon neutral electric grid. Dana graduated from California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 1982. She became a Registered Professional Electrical Engineer with the state of California in 1989.