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Han Kwon Choi

Han Kwon Choi

Director, Advanced Nuclear Technologies, United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.
Dr. Choi has over 40 years of professional career in nuclear fields with design, engineering, procurement, construction, contracting, training, safety assessment and quality assurance. His professional background combines in-depth technical knowledge with extensive experience in nuclear project and R&D management and international cooperation, as well as a broad perspective on peaceful utilizations of nuclear energy. As the Director of Advanced Nuclear Technologies at United Engineers and Constructors, Inc, Dr. Choi leads various strategic project initiatives associated with advanced nuclear technologies such as GEN III and GEN IV reactor design in the U.S. His recent efforts have been focused on the development of Small Modular Reactors through the Conceptual and Preliminary Design and Engineering, Constructability/ Modularization Assessment, as well as Capital Investment Cost Estimate.