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Call for Content for POWERGEN 2025 is Closed!

POWERGEN International® gathered inspiring and thought-provoking industry experts to join our speaker lineup!

The deadline for submissions is closed 

If you have any questions or want to speak at POWERGEN 2025, feel free to reach out to our Content Team at

POWERGEN UNIVERSITY assembled a team of instructors to teach workshop-format courses for engineers to gain skills and knowledge within specific topics in the electric power sector.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Content Team at

Call for Content ‘How-to’ Series

Episode 1: How to submit a session or POWERGEN University course.


Episode 2: Topics & Formats of Focus

Episode 3: Avoiding Pitfalls and Submitting Great Content

2025 Track Themes and Topics

Powering the Future

Decarbonization is shifting the generation mix, with the demand for clean energy bolstered by net-zero goals and policy incentives. But there are operational challenges associated with the transition from fossil fuels, compounded by explosive load growth from electrification, new manufacturing and data centers. This track will feature big-picture discussions on how the power sector can confront the issues of decarbonization, reliability and affordability. This includes leveraging the productivity of a highly-trained and adaptable workforce.

Topics include:

  • Resource planning strategies
  • Climate legislation and incentives
  • Emission-free technologies
  • Market dynamics
  • Carbon costs/taxes
  • Workforce trends and knowledge gaps

Optimizing Plant Performance

Conventional plant owners and operators must strategically manage their assets and optimize operations and maintenance to reduce downtime and maintain peak efficiency. This includes leveraging data and the latest digital technologies that enhance decision-making, drive down costs and ensure that generating facilities remain viable.

Topics in this track include:

  • Predictive, preventative, and corrective maintenance
  • Remote monitoring
  • Outage management
  • SCADA and CMMS
  • Case studies on equipment upgrades
  • Weatherization strategies
  • New technologies for plant O&M
  • Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence/augmented reality
  • Digital twins
  • Plant retirement strategies
  • Procedures and safety

O&M and EPC Considerations for Utility-Scale Solar and Wind

Optimal performance and reliability of large-scale solar and wind equipment requires an appropriate fleetwide operations and maintenance regimen. This track will address O&M issues, including project siting, major component health, operational risks and balance of system issues that impact performance. Speakers will present case studies and discuss the latest technologies being used for inspections and monitoring to improve plant efficiency.

Topics include:

  • Siting and basic infrastructure issues
  • Inspections and monitoring
  • Inverter maintenance and replacement
  • Solar cell degradation and microcracking
  • Balance of system issues
  • Monitoring and forecasting
  • Turbine control systems
  • Major component repair including gearboxes
  • Repowering
  • Supply chain/manufacturer challenges

Unlocking Hydrogen’s Power Potential

Interest remains high in hydrogen as a combustion fuel for power generation or energy storage. Operators of natural gas-fired power plants are conducting hydrogen-blending pilot projects, but challenges remain to readily accommodate 100% hydrogen combustion in large-scale power plant applications. This track focuses the technical challenges that need to be addressed, from combustion equipment to balance of plant modifications.

Topics include:

  • Advancements in hydrogen-powered turbines
  • Hydrogen blending case studies
  • Balance of plant considerations
  • Electrolysis and fuel cell technologies
  • Hydrogen production, delivery and storage
  • Hydrogen Hubs
  • Policy developments

Energy Storage Deployments

The right tools and techniques for operating, maintaining and managing hydroelectric facilities are crucial for the industry's sustained success. Given that equipment is aging and the methods for operating and dispatching these generating assets are evolving quickly, O&M personnel must stay informed about the latest best practices and products. Industry experts share how to implement effective operations and maintenance strategies that can help organizations reduce downtime, minimize repair and replacement expenses, and extend the longevity of their hydro assets.

Topics include:

  • Utility-scale case studies and applications
  • Integration challenges
  • Non-battery storage solutions
  • Safe operations and best practices
  • System financing and viability
  • Hybrid power plants

Nuclear's Evolution 

Utilities and large industrials are showing increased interest in nuclear power as a solution to meeting net-zero goals. Recent policy has thrown large, conventional reactors a lifeline, while companies are racing to deploy smaller reactors with the promise of cheaper and faster build times. But despite the positive momentum for nuclear power, challenges remain before the industry can scale up significantly. This track will cover everything from advanced nuclear technologies and deployment plans, to O&M issues for the current fleet.

Topics include:

  • Small Modular Reactor and Microreactor (SMRs) technologies
  • Project financing
  • Supply chain and construction costs
  • Maintenance and outage management
  • O&M case studies
  • Safety and compliance
  • Workforce challenges
  • Evolving policy support

Microgrid Breakthroughs

Hospitals, the military and others are deploying microgrids in order to sustain power during natural disasters. Today’s microgrid projects increasingly use solar and energy storage, but microgrids also run on diesel engines and combustion turbines, fuel cells or even advanced nuclear reactors, when they become available. Key issues discussed in this track include microgrid planning, costs, location, design and operations.

Topics include:

  • Case studies of new microgrids
  • Design and development
  • Generation options
  • Integration challenges and standards
  • Market drivers
  • When microgrids make sense and when they don’t
  • Utility interaction with microgrids
  • Aggregation and Virtual Power Plants (VPP)
  • Mission critical microgrids

Carbon Capture and Emission Controls

Many governments and companies are investing in carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies, with pilot projects well under way. This track will focus on CCUS adoption and deployment in the power sector, as well as the technical, economic, and policy challenges facing its widespread adoption. Speakers will also highlight state and federal emission regulations impacting power plant operations, as well as compliance and operational strategies even as non-point-source air challenges increase.

Topics include:

  • Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) adoption and deployment
  • CCUS financing
  • Pilot project case studies
  • Tax credits and incentives
  • Direct air capture
  • Regulatory issues
  • Emission rules for plants